Guiding your mindful lifestyle

Showing: 11 - 14 of 14 RESULTS
Health Meditation Mindfulness Spirituality

What is the Difference between Meditation and Mindfulness?

Meditation and mindfulness are closely related concepts, but they are distinct in their practices and applications. Meditation is a formal practice that typically involves setting aside a specific time to focus on a particular object, thought, or activity. This could involve techniques such as focusing on the breath, chanting, or visualization. The purpose of meditation …

Meditation Mindfulness Spirituality

Mindfulness in Buddhism

Mindfulness, or sati in Pali, is a central practice in Buddhism that refers to the cultivation of moment-to-moment awareness. It involves paying close attention to one’s thoughts, emotions, sensations, and actions without attachment or judgment. Mindfulness is not just about being aware; it is about being fully present, with clarity, insight, and an open mind. …